Here we go…. it is LAST WEEK AT THE AUCTION. America’s Favorite Top 10 list of Auction Results from around the globe & I am your Host JOSH LEVINE. Back with the latest news from the resale world. It is a fascinating subculture, one I truly love, and I bet you will too if you don’t already.
So, if you want to know what stuff is really worth, what to look for, and perhaps hear about some seriously strange things people collect? I got you. For many of you, this is a whole new world, but I tell you, there are auctions going on every day and everywhere. 2nd hand buying and reselling is hot too, so be warned. The next time you are wandering past a thrift shop and see something similar to something featured on this show you might find yourself hooked. Your dormant flipper gene could be activated. But, on the bright side, watching this show might just make you a few bucks too. Well, you just tell me when it is all over. It is last week at the auction.

#10 is a Robert Capa Photographic Print of Pablo Picasso that sold for $1400 at Heritage.
Number 11 of 100, it featured Picasso and Françoise Gilot the French painter, best known for her long & stormy relationship with Picasso. I just really like the Steve Carell as James Bond looking guy, photo bombing…listed photographers and their prints can be quite valuable. Be sure to take a second look when you come across a beauty like this. It could be a real score.
But let us move on. A classic.

#9 is a Royal Copenhagen Service for eight that just brought $2500 at Abell.
This was the Blue Onion Pattern and according to the mark, from the early 1970s. I think this set illustrated how desirable patterns still do well in a soft market and how the time of year can influence prices. China sets tend to sell for better prices right before the holidays when they are top of mind. Yes, that is right. Thanksgiving is coming.
But enough about is making me hungry…

#8 is A Late Classic Navajo Weaving that hammered for $3000 at Hindman.
From the 4th qtr. of the 19th century and measuring 64” by 88” this was part of a great collection. I have seen Native American Collectibles trending hot at all the auctions I follow as of late. It might be time to downsize your collection if you are holding. Just saying.

#7 A Roycroft Copper Vase that just brought $3750 at Abell.
Every time I see copper, I pick it up and look for marks. Arts and Crafts Era Copper has been commanding big bucks for several years and showing no signs of decline. Find some Roycroft at your local thrift store and you will be a happy camper. Or copper seller.
So, what is next?

#6 Is a set of St Louis Crystal Goblets that sold for $4,250 at Leland Little.
12 in all and in the Apollo Pattern, these were signed, and approx. 7” tall. Knowing your crystal patterns and tracking their resale values can make you a few bucks. That’s for sure and always remember to bring your black light. It makes reading the acid-etched marks easier at the thrift store. I got a link to a good one.
Never use it in a hotel room...ever.

But I digress...check this out.
#5 is a Paul McCobb Rolling Serving Cart that brought $5000 at Wright.
Yes. Take another look at that one. Circa 1952 and Mid Mod but I am pretty sure, most of us would have walked right by that one at the Garage Sale. Next time you see something similar, you might just want to take for a tag. Another reason if I am not sure about something I look it up.

#4 is the 1891 $10 Silver Certificate that just brought $7500 at 1 Great Deal.
The Tombstone $10 is a fine example of the 19th Century Paper Currency trend I have been following. It is hot and it makes sense. I am just glad to see all the interest. This genre was really under-appreciated for years. It appears that paper has finally caught up to coinage in collectability.
Keep that in mind and let us check this out...

#3 This Lladro Porcelain Deer Group just sold for $10,000 at Abell.
I’ve sold a lot of Lladro in my day but have never seen this one in person. They are out there though. According to records, they made 750 of these. At over 43” I don’t think you’ll miss the next one you see.

Okay, so what is next.
#2 is a Rare Chinaman Magic Lantern that sold for $38,000 at Bertoia.
French, circa 1870 and approx. 16.5” tall, these are highly desirable to many serious collectors. I think it is the Early Photography and Film Buffs that drive this market, but I can see toy and steampunk fans drooling over this too.

But what is in the top slot this week? Another one I would have walked by.
#1 is Philip and Kelvin LaVerne Four-door "Chan" Cabinet that hammered for $90,000 at Freeman's.
Signed, circa 1970, and rare...check out this signature in the painted panels. I swear I have seen this piece before and just thought to myself, wow...that is ugly. But that was a big miss and I have sold other pieces by the LaVernes so I should know better.
Amazing…and you know they are more out there. Probably just sitting in a thrift store for $100. Personally, I have never been fond of messing with furniture. I hate the logistics...fancy way of saying…. too lazy.... but for that kind of profit, I would make an exception.
And hey, that leads me right into something I wanted to share with you. Can you keep a secret? Shipping Saint. Many of you watching this are in the auction and estate sale business. Shipping Saint is one of the best-kept software secrets in the industry. (Where were you guys when I was in Business?) Having shipped tens of thousands of antiques and collectibles over the years, I eventually outsourced it all. Shipping was frustrating…I just wanted to sell…. believe me, I know your pain. So does Shipping Saint and that is why they created their amazing platform. They knew shipping should be a profit center for your business. You know, instead of the expense, a time suck hassle, or an outsourced profit center for someone else. Sorry UPS Store. Shipping Saint makes it better for you, your business, and wait for it…. your customers' experience and so much more.
Check out this link and tell them Josh sent you. Shower me with praise later. I accept thumbs-ups, comments, subscribers, shares, and gift cards….
Well, we made it. That was Last Week at the Auction. Next week I will have more from Last Week or this week….at the Auction, I think that is right.
Until we stream again my friends…
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