It has been a few days and I must apologize for slacking. Blog Slack is real and must have suffered a bad case of it this week. I promise to provide some kind of value, opinion or entertaining content in the next few days. Today is not that day, but I am going to try spending all weekend creating…. magic? But for now, I bestow upon you recycled uselessness with fresh commentary. Here are 13 Totally Random and Completely Useless Facts of Knowledge. But be warned, I believe everything I am about to say is true, but it may not be...but I think so... so here they are...
#1 Sean Connery wore a toupee in all his James Bond movies, but never a merkin.
#2 It actually takes and average of 142.18 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie pop, which proves Owls are stupid. All eyeballs and no brains.
#3 In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere. Also, Elaine’s hair is crazy, in retrospect.
#4 Competitive art used to be in the Olympics! Between 1912 and 1948, the Olympic Games awarded medals in sculpture, music, painting, and architecture. John Copley of Britain won one of the last "art medals." At 73, he would be the oldest medalist in Olympic history if his silver, awarded for his 1948 engraving Titled Polo Players, were still counted.
#5 Stop Signs were originally YELLOW. In 1922 The American Association of Highway Officials determined yellow was best to get your attention. In was not until 1954 & the invention of a RED, non-fading porcelain enamel, that sign makers made the change.
#6 France was still executing people by guillotine when the first Star Wars movie came out. It was then they switched to Light Sabers.
#7 Most toilets flush in E flat.
#8 Half of all bank robberies take place on a Friday. Payday is a great day!
#9 The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine. Apparently, it works well as urine decomposes into ammonia which makes a great cleaner. I’ll just brush with Asparagus, Thank you!
#10 A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. So you’ll never know if they are mocking you.
#11 New York was once called...NEW ORANGE...way back in 1673 when the Dutch captured New York from the English, they renamed it New Orange in honor of William III of Orange. The following year, the English regained control and ditched the "Orange." There is a Trump joke in there somewhere, but my blog is Apolitical….with the taint of socialist ideals, a minor in libertarian-ism, a splash of capitalist demagoguery and a hint of Marxism but all rounded out with humanitarianism. Okay I am confused.
#12 The Vatican City is the country that drinks the most wine per capita. Last measured at 74 liters per citizen per year. Here I thought they just
all drank the Kool-Aid.
#13 Ketchup was first sold in the 1830s as a medicine. It was originally a mash of fish and or mushrooms that was billed as a cure for indigestion. We can thank an Ohio physician named John Cook for coming up with the addition of tomatoes and what we think of as Ketchup today. I might try sarcastically injecting some this evening to see if it cures my boredom. I hope you made it. That was a terribly blog post. But I warned you upfront, and in sales, that is called an upfront contract. For more on sales, check out the Sandler Sales Training System. If you care, an Up-Front Contract (UFC) is a tool that great salespeople use. You may have never noticed but now you will. Its best to set parameters and an agreement before a sales meeting. Basically, laying out what will take place. Setting expectation. See, that was educational right there. Buy the book!
Well, I promised and delivered uselessness….13 (if not more) Totally Random and Useless Facts of Knowledge. Please subscribe and share my blog with anyone you think will like it. Or hate it, I am not picky. Until next time!
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